Life is a continuous search either for someone of for something! Hence one of the leading challenges facing humanity is access to the right connections. At Linkpal we offer Access and hook up services to our global client-base.
We maintain a growing list and database of all sorts of dealers, institutions, suppliers, and service providers from all corners of the world for selection by our customers. These are what we call Hooks. All our links equally allow for anyone to create themselves as a Hook under any of the categories in view of their specialization and/or area of interest.
We have two broad categories of Hooks:
Under our Priority Hooks we retain a repository of all local and general enterprises ready for hook up in the global market.Access to our Priority Hooks is KES 1. Kindly click on it, the Priority Hooks link to Access or create yourself/business as a Hook.
This grouping consists of highly classified and international Hooks including the Diaspora caucus, global personalities & entities, Philanthropists/donors, those seeking donor support/assistance, etc. Access to our Premier Hooks is KES 1. Kindly click on it, the Premier Hooks link to Access or create yourself/business as a Hook.